Monday, August 3, 2009

8/2/09: Ninth Inspection and Honey Supers Added

Conditions: Partly Cloudy, 72F (unseasonably cool for August!)
Present: Just me
Equipment: Added first honey super to each hive
Activities: Smoked hives about 5:30pm. Inspected one or two frames in the lower super of each colony. Inspected deep frames in the "Italian" hive.
Observations: Still plenty of bees in the "Italian" hive. If there will be a big population decline it has not occurred yet. Spent some extra time inspecting the brood frames. Lots of brood present on probably 6 frames. I was satisfied that whichever queen is in there laying (either new Russian or old Italian) she is doing very well. Wall frames still are not built out, but the lower super was pretty heavy with capped and uncapped honey. I added the first honey super.

The russian hive I did not disturb much. Checked the weight of the lower super, which was heavy with capped and uncapped honey. Added the first honey super here, too.

We'll see what progress is made in building out comb in the new honey supers throughout August. We may have a dearth affecting both colonies and population decline in the "Italian" colony before the fall nectar flow starts. Whatever honey is capped in the new supers will be for us!

Have seen lots of honey bees in the garden on squash, raspberries, buckwheat and cut-flowers.

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